Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bathing Tips

Safely bathing an individual affected by Alzheimer’s Disease can be a challenging task and a source of frustration for a caregiver who is concerned about maintaining her loved one’s dignity and hygiene. What complicates matters is that the individual with dementia may find bathing a frightening and uncomfortable process. Remember: no one ever died from not getting a bath. Here are some tips to giving your loved one a bath while avoiding as fuss as much as possible

1) A shower is generally easier and safer than a bath: Giving a person a shower instead of trying to lower them into and lift them out of a bathtub full of water is generally easier to manage. It is also considerably safer. Getting a wet person out of a slippery tub puts both of you at risk for injury.

2) Hand-held shower head: Equipping the shower with a hand held shower head can help to ease your loved one’s fear and prevent some of the struggle. The water coming down from a regular shower head on a person’s head can set them up for a panicked response. Most hand-held shower heads also have an on and off switch so you can have to water running only when you want. Be sure to get one that you can have some control on the flow of water coming from it as slowing the water down when washing the hair and other more sensitive areas is advisable.

3) Have a shower chair: Sitting your loved one down on a shower chair can help make them feel more secure and helps you to wash them more effectively. The chair helps to stabilize the person being washed and gives both of you something to hold onto.

4) Rails in the shower: Having strong and secure handrails in the shower that both of you can hold onto while maneuvering in the shower area. The rails also give the caregiver something solid to hold onto while washing.

5 Anti-skid decals and mats on the floor of the shower: Small rubber anti-skid decorations can be used as a substitute for the rubber mat. The mat covers a larger area but is generally raised and can be a tripping point.

6) Prepare the bathing area ahead of time: It really helps to have everything all set up for a bath ahead of time. That way once you can quickly move your loved one into the area without having to pause to get things ready. It is a good idea to make the bathroom warmer and test the water temperature ahead of time.

7) Respect your loved one’s privacy: Sitting nude in the shower with someone makes a person feel vulnerable and perhaps violated, even when they are a close family member. This is even true when the caregiver is a loved spouse of many years. Wrapping a towel around your loved one or even leaving their underwear on can help make them feel less violated. You may give your loved one a washcloth and verbally direct her to wash her more private areas. Don’t get preoccupied with getting it done "perfectly." There should be enough water flow that the areas were sufficiently washed even without a thorough scrubbing. Stay in direct sight while washing the individual.

8) Keep the stimulation to a minimum: Bathrooms are generally small areas with a lot of things going on: running water, echoes, soapy wash cloths, differences in temperature, and strange people. Mirrors make it look as if there is a whole crowd in the room just watching them in the nude. Covering the mirror on the medicine cabinet may reduce the feeling of "being watched." Keeping the sink and toilet free of objects may also help. Avoid slippery throw rugs and mats.

9) Make bathing as pleasant as possible: Aromatic soaps and lotions can be pleasing and calming. Try soap-free products such as St. Ives body wash and lotion or Aveeno’s body wash product. Both products were soap-free and clean the skin without drying it our. Place some fragrant oil or lotion in a sink of warm water and rub on them after the shower. Relaxing music and somewhat dimmed lighting can reduce the harshness of the bathroom. Shampooing hair is often a special challenge. Try to shampoo with a small amount of the product and keep the water pressure low, being careful not to get water in the person’s face. A no-rinse shampoo can remove one step and still do a satisfactory job.

10) When all else fails: Sometimes no matter how much you try or what you do, bath time is a total disaster. Don’t feel that this is a failure on your part! Most dementia caregivers experience difficulty with bathing at some time in the disease. Picking your fights is important and insisting on a shower is not needed. The stage the Loved One is in will change and you will be able to get them into a shower in a different stage. Sponge bathing can do as well as a shower. Try giving a sponge bath in a different room. Many times the bed room is a better place for the Loved One. Let them do most of what they can do with a sponge bath and then you just help with the areas they can not do. Not taking a shower will not kill them. You mainly want to keep the private areas clean, wash the face, hands and feet. Don't make bathing into a struggle. Get what you can and try again another day or time.


Bathing With Essential Oils From Herbs


Imagine your self floating in a gigantic bathtub full of herbs hugging your skin; its magical powers take away your tensions, worries and transforming you to feel complete and new.

Bath is calming way to relax in today’s fast paced stressful life. It is a soothing way to start a new day and blissful send-off to bed. Herbs and its essential oils soothes aching muscles, tense nerves, skin irritations, softens skin and ensures peaches and roses complexion.

Set the stage for your bath with a clean fresh bathroom. Keep clean towels, bath gels, herbs, loofah, etc handy. Choose relaxing music, light aromatic candles around you. All in all make sure that everything you need for your luxury is within arms reach.

While filling tub with warm water, create a bag of your favourite herbs to be used in bathing. It is ideal that you give your skin a quick loofah brush head to toe before you start. To create an herb bag, fill muslin cloth or even an old stocking with your favourite herbs. Dip it in your bath, letting the herbs gently soak in the water. Bath salts, citrus leaves, dried rose petals, dried lavender flowers to name a few to create an herb bag. If you don’t have the fondness of creating your own bag of herbs, you can definitely buy ready made herb bags.

Not more than 5 drops of essential oils should be used in a bath. Dilute it with milk or carrier oil. Common herbs and its essential oils used in bath for calming properties.

- Black Pepper – relief for aching muscles

- Clary Sage - as a perk me up and premenstrual tension

- Eucalyptus - for respiratory problems

- Geranium - for very dry or itchy skin, eczema and PMS

- Jasmine - when you wish to feel luxurious

- Lavender - dry skin, eczema, sprains, hot flashes, headaches, over work, insomnia

- Orange - to pep you up

- Rosemary - to get you going in the morning, a quick pick-me-up in the evening. Also good for aches and sore muscles

- Chamomile, Lavender or roses are good for dry, delicate or irritated skin

- Rosemary, Calendula and Thyme for oily skin

- Lemon Balm - good for hyperactive children

- Citrus & Lavender - soothing and therapeutic properties

- Ylang Ylang - exfoliates and moisturizes the skin

- Apricot and Amber - moisturises, restores softness and suppleness to skin

- Chamomile - aids in relief of aching muscles and nervousness

- Eucalyptus - opens the pores and the vapours from the bath help to clear the breathing passages.

Make sure that your bath time is a time of solitude. Just let yourself luxuriate in the watery haven. And don’t forget to put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.

Kevin Pederson manages aromatherapies sites providing Aromatherapy recipes for skin care, beauty and hygiene, emotional and physical well-being. The aromatherapy oils make useful moisturizers having good penetrative properties.

Body Care in Fall - Tips to Remember


How can you keep your skin soft and supple?

Fall. Morning. It is dark, chilly and looks like it hasn’t stopped raining yet. However, it is time to get up, to go out and…to look your BEST! Why? Because a real woman ALWAYS looks $1mln!

Even when it is misty, cold and rainy :)

So, here is our simple fall skin care advice that will help you to be as beautiful as ever no matter what:

1. Switch from lotion based products to those that are cream based.

This will help restore moisture as well as create a protective barrier against the harsh winter weather. Exceptions to this rule include those with severely oily skin and some acne patients.

2. Keep your house warm, not hot. Set your thermostat a little lower and crack a window to let fresh, cool air into the house.

3. Set a pan of water in commonly used rooms. The water will evaporate from the pan before it evaporates from your skin.

4. Use a vaporizer in the bedroom while you sleep.

5. Shower only once a day using a mild soap. Pat dry and apply a gentle moisturizer immediately afterward. Your doctor can recommend skin-friendly soaps and moisturizers.

6. Apply extra moisturizer to your body, face and hands before bedtime to heal damage overnight.

7. Moisturize your hands after you wash them.

8.Try a richer moisturizer if your regular brand doesn’t work as well in the wintertime.

9.Use barrier gloves to protect your hands when you do chores, especially dishwashing. For an especially soothing treatment, apply moisturizer, put on white cotton gloves, and cover with yellow rubber gloves. Wear these layers around the house for a few hours or while you sleep.

10. Use lip balm to prevent chapping. Reapply after you eat and before you go outdoors.

11. See your physician if your skin is extremely irritated or infected.

See more body care tips here: allwomenstalk.com

Make Your Own Brown Sugar Body Scrub


To promote radiant, shiny skin tone it is advisable to exfoliate on a regular basis at least every 15 days. It removes dead cells and clears your skin. You'll love the results.


  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar

  • 1 spoon of orange oil or half a fresh squeeze orange

  • 1 spoon of vitamin E oil


  • Mix brown sugar, orange oil/juice, and vitamin E oil on a bowl.

  • Get on tub and get wet.

  • Take a handful of mixed ingredients and scrub in a gentle circular motion.

  • Rinse off and apply a moisturizing lotion to re-hydrate skin.

About The Author

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine http://kpatra.com "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics".


Body Odour Smells - Did You Know Sweat Has No Smell


Body odour smell is an ailment that can not be avoided - body smells can often turn into a rancid stench if the offending area behind the smell is left unattended therefore causing body odour. In a lot of cases body odour smells can not be avoided, however precautions can be taken in the way of prevention to help unpleasant body odours.

Most body odour smells have a distinguishing smelly presence thus allowing you to direct your medication or cleaning process in the right direction. No one is exempt from body odour whether it is offensive or a lingering sweet essence from scented body sprays etc Treatment and medication for body odour smells are readily available over chemist counters but always talk with your doctor to be sure that the antiseptic body wash or whatever your purchase is, ideally suited to your needs. The wrong medication or treatment can instigate more problems.

Parts of the human body are identified by certain smells - the nose is a great detective for pin pointing exactly where the offensive smell is coming from. Unpleasant sweaty stale odours are normally ignored by the sufferer due to the fact that they are unaware they smell. This could be because their sense of smell has become so elementary making certain molecules in the nostrils insensitive. Strong pungent smells like
garlic or curry can be sniffed out but unfortunately the smelly odour produced from their armpits goes unnoticed.

We all sweat because this is a natural bodily function. When the body perspires it is relieving heat in a biological way - bear in mind sweat does not smell but however it is a base for bacteria therefore the acrid odour.

Body odour smells can be stemmed in a couple of ways by reducing the amount of sweat loss and by treating the area of bacteria that is the cause behind the production of the body odour.

To help combat bacteria - you must dedicate more time to your cleaning routine thus more attention to where you suffer and feel the most embarrassing smells come from.

A body wash cleaning every nook and cranny - particularly in the areas where the sweat producing glands are plentiful, for instance under the arms, groin and foot area, is vital. We all differ in ourselves in the personal hygiene department so you will find that some people will have more sweat and oil producing glands than that of others, the remedy for this is that washing routines may have to take place two or three times a day.

Using antiperspirants and deodorants are also another part of the package to keep repulsive and embarrassing body odour smells at bay. Remember to shave areas regularly like under the armpits because the hair is like a magnet for bacteria - results from this a fertile breeding ground for the bacteria.

Certain materials are not a match made in heaven on certain parts of the body so find clothing that is kind next to the skin.

Find out more on personal hygiene at http://www.bodyodoursmell.com Other matters


Body Odour Smells - False Identity Of Deodorant


The human body and every part of it have their own offensive and in some unfortunate cases repulsive smell. Body Odour Smells if left unattended can turn into a horrible stench. Many types of odour are common enough for their identities to be pinpointed to certain regions of the body. Take the feet or under the arms these are both host to distinguishing smells.

You will find there are 3 sorts of secretor glands on the skin - one which we are most familiar with is the sweat gland where the odour is of an acrid smell. This turns into a putrid type smell if the sweat is left to build up - build up is brought about by the sweat getting trapped which then prevents evaporation. The other type of gland is the Apocrine Glands which are rich in proteins and fats and because of these it encourages the presence of bacteria. Then we have the Sebaceous Glands which eject a greasy type lubricant named sebum. Sebum contains fatty acids, cholesterol, proteins and waxes - all of these once again are like a magnet for bacteria. Bacterial infections can disperse embarrassing Body Odour Smells.

Unfortunately bacteria and Body Odour Smells is here to stay no matter how much you cleanse wash or rinse the offending areas but the good news is, you can prevent and lessen offending smells as such to reduce any embarrassing situations you may find your self in.
Perspiration can be calmed down to a minimum with different materials.

Try to avoid sweat instigators on the skin like synthetic fabrics. Cotton is a material that helps lessen sweat outbursts. You can speak with your doctor if you are experiencing strong pungent smells from certain parts of the body that you are not comfortable with. The doctor will be able to advise you on what is the best action to take in prescribing medicated cleansers. When treating bad breath - once again talk with a figure in the medical profession or your dentist.

No one is exempt from suffering from sweat but once again there are ways of keeping it in control with certain products scientifically designed to treat perspiration. Available over chemist counters you can purchase spray or roll on antiperspirants or deodorants.

Antiperspirants include aluminium salts which play an important role in reducing sweat deposits by helping to close the sweat ducts. Combating sweat with the aid of deodorant is hurried along with the inclusion of the antiseptic in the deodorant. Remember this only helps with the smelly secretion and not to eliminate the sweating
Deodorants contain an antiseptic to combat bacteria and they also reduce odour but do not cut down the sweating. Expect to find most deodorants to be scented giving a false identity to working miracles when in fact it is just overpowering a body odour smell for a few hours.
Body Odour Smells is a part of our lives that is here to stay so the best treatment is to face up to them in the best possible way and that is to keep offending areas clean. Be sure to check with a medical advisor before administering any over the counter drugs you may purchase. Certain medications and treatments for Body Odour Smells may not be agreeable to your skin thus resulting in allergic reactions so it is wise to seek medical advice.

Health Concerns not to be ignored. Help ease stress http://www.want2yoga.com or

7 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Destructive Soap or Cleanser if You Have a Skin Problem


Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and any other skin problems are irritated very easily by most soaps. As a former psoriasis sufferer I would estimate I tried at least 30 different soaps hoping that would cure my psoriasis. I later discovered I was wrong and my psoriasis was only irritated from soap, but soap was not the cause of it.

If you have any form of a skin problem you may have feared taking a shower or bathing because of the dry, painful itch, and film left by using a commercially produced bar soap. Why is that? What causes the itch left by a bar soap and is there any way to cope?

Here are some tips to buying a better soap or cleanser that may not irritate your skin:

1. Glycerin is a good moisturizer. Glycerin is known to moisturize from the inside out, pulling in moisture from the outside environment. It's typically found in better quality, more expensive soaps like a hand made soap or good cleanser. Lower grade, commercially produced soaps usually remove the glycerin and use more cost effective chemicals which are much more destructive to the skin.

2. Avoid any soaps that are granular. Granular soaps are terribly too abrasive for the skin of acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis sufferers. This abrasive soap may be okay to wash motor oil off your hands but not to scrub the acne-prone skin on your face.

I had acne as a teen and believed I could scrub long enough to remove dead skin cells to let my pores "breathe". It took little time to discover this was only irritating my skin. If you have beautiful, blemish-free skin a granular soap may not be harmful. However, gentle is the key for anyone who has any form of blemish or sensitive condition like psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis.

3. Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus are terrific for cleansing. Tea tree oil is considered to have some of the best natural antiseptic / antifungal properties in the world. Eucalyptus oil has been shown to fight infection-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses very effectively.

The reason I have found tea tree oil and eucalyptus to be so powerful in helping my psoriasis was because both were natural and complemented my skin. Far too many chemicals are added into many commercial soaps today that do their job of cleaning but strip away the skins natural moisturizers as well.

Although I no longer have psoriasis, I still use a specific blend of aloe, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil in a concentrated cleanser. Email me and I will tell you what it is and where to purchase it. (I don't personally sell it but can tell you where to find it)

4. pH balance of you skin is critical. Normal skin is naturally acidic with a pH in the range of 4.2 to 5.6. Most traditional soaps considered "mild" have a pH of around 9.5 - 11 which is too alkaline and may cause excessive dryness and irritation. These soaps traditionally remove the natural acid protection and extract the fats from the skin as well.

If you have eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis your skin may be even more alkaline than normal in those affected areas. Using a low-grade commercially produced bar soap, which may be more alkaline, could lead to infection. If you prefer a bar soap try a hand made soap. It will be more expensive but it would be worth it if you saw results, wouldn't it?

Most cleansers may be more gentle because they are made not to disturb your skin's pH level. The skin is designed to protect itself by maintaining a more acidic pH level. Many commercially made soaps may rob the skin of it's natural acidic state, leaving it unprotected.

5. Frequency of washing - don't overdue it. If you have acne you may have a difficult time with this one. If your skins excessively oily in your facial area it's could be because you are using a poor quality soap that's highly alkaline. By washing too much you may be stripping away the skins natural oil, forcing it to produce more.

I wash my skin once a day. I often see others recommending washing the skin up to three times daily. Washing this much is incredibly excessive for those of us with sensitive skin.

6. Pure Aloe Vera - the absolute best moisturizer. If you've ever had a severe sunburn you would know not to take a very hot shower. Don't consider your psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis to be any less severe than sunburn.

If you find yourself in a situation where you're in terrible pain from skin lesions this may help. Before I found my psoriasis cure I used Fruit Of The EarthāļŽ Aloe Vera 100% Gel. This is the closest thing to a pure moisturizer that you will find. While I don't need this anymore because my psoriasis is gone, it helped tremendously when my psoriasis was very painful.

7. Natural. Most commercial "soaps" today are really detergents loaded with chemicals that irritate the skin and upset it's natural balances. I only use and recommend hand-made soaps or very mild cleansers. The best place to find these hand-made soaps and cleansers are alternative medicine retailers, health food stores and the internet.

The skin is no different than life in that you need balance to be at peace with yourself. You need effective solutions that will not cause extreme side effects. If you want to see an example of extreme un-balance examine chemo therapy. Many patient's undergoing chemo loose their hair, many get brutally sick, etc., because the body is not meant to go thru this type of intense therapy.

More on that next issue...

-- This information is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician or health practitioner before starting a new supplement regiment, herbal therapy, or other self-directed treatment. --

Michael Hrenko is the founder of ePsoriasis, LLC. The company specializes in teaching how he and others have overcome psoriasis and eczema without a doctor, prescriptions, expensive treatments, and difficult fasting diets. Claim your free copy of The Lazy Person's Guide to Beating Psoriasis at http://www.epsoriasis.net/promotion.htm
as a one-time-only promotion.

(c) Copyright 2005, ePsoriasis, LLC

Soap Making Oils For Creating Your Own Specialty Soaps


Do you want to give your handmade soaps that uniqueness that
others will marvel at? Want to create soap for special needs
like moisturizing?

Then, you need to understand the various soap making oils and
learn what they can do for your soap. To get you started, let's
take a look at some very poplular ingredients that you can use
to make your soap extra special.

Avocado Oil...

Avocado oil is produced by mashing the pulp of the avocado
fruit. This oil is a good choice for making moisturizing soaps.

Coconut Oil...

This oil is the partially solid fat obtained from the flesh of
coconuts. It affects the hardness and amount of lather in the
soap, but can be drying to the skin.

Olive Oil...

Olive oil is harvested from olives by pressing them and then
using solvent extaction. Soap made with olive oil tend to be
extremely hard, but are mild for your skin. These soaps tend to
produce a lot of lather and last a long time.

Vitamin E Oil...

Many people like this oil for facial soap in that it prevents
wrinkles by soothing and contributing to regeneration of skin.

Palm Kernel Oil...

This oil is harvested from the kernels of the palm tree, thus
the name. Soap made using this oil will be mild and have a rich

Palm Oil...

Similar to Palm Kernel Oil, this oil is actually harvested from
the pulp of the palm fruit. More common than Palm Kernel Oil,
it produces a finish that is soft, mild and has a rich lather.

Almond Oil...

Almond oil is used as an emollient because of its ability to
soften the skin. Extracted from almond nuts, this oil also has
a nice, sweet fragrance.

Okay, that should give you a few soap making tips that
you can use to make great soap.

There are many, many really neat oils available for creating
very special kinds of soap. By learning about the various
ingredients you can make your own unique soap have the exact
charateristics you want.

Just remember...

You could be making your own favorite soap right now. Make it
for yourself... or make it for beautiful, unique gifts for
family and friends.

If you're in a hurry to learn much, much more about all the
unique oils you can use to make your soap, check out
soap making
oils for more expert information on creating wonderful soap

Dave Cushion makes it easy for you to begin making your own beautiful hand-crafted soap. Learn the 7 essential keys to beginning your soap making craft. To receive your free 8-part mini-course visit the soap making tips website.

How to Make Soap


Believe it or not, it's still possible to make soap the way that pioneers did, and have it come out quite decently, certainly not as harsh, and even scented with something like essential oils. The process is a long one, and really needs some study of the technique with an emphasis on proper handling of the ingredients, proving, etc.

However, the basics involve the use of fats, and a caustic agent, which is lye or lye water. In the old days, pioneers used fat off the animals they killed and wood ashes. But it wasn't as simple as mixing fat and ash.

It is the reaction of a caustic solution with the fat, which creates the foaming, cleansing effects of soap. And the caustic agent is lye water acquired by pouring rain, also known as "soft" water, through the ashes.

This can involve using an old barrel and packing it one-half full of ash from white wood, which would include white oak or apple wood. Either install a tap at the base of the barrel, or cut a hole that can be snugly sealed with a plug of some kind. Pour rainwater slowly into the barrel, allowing it to seep down through the ashes, when a bit of brown water begins to seep out of the tap or hole, plug it up. Add more ash, dampening it down as you go, until the barrel is full, but the ashes are not floating. Let set for five days.

Drain off water and filter through cheesecloth or other material. Use gloves while working with it, as the caustic water can burn, and must be stored safely away from children and pets, until used. Second and third run-offs can be done, but the lye solution will be weaker. If an egg dropped into the bucket of lye floats about halfway under the water, it is the right strength. If the egg sinks, you can dry boiling the lye water down, until it is stronger.

Chopped beef tallow should be melted in a pot or pan, and cooled. Then place it in another pot with water, to "wash" it. Bring to a boil, set aside to cool, and skim off the cleaned fats. Store in sealed containers.

The proportion of lye to fat is a delicate one, and there are plenty of recipes on the Internet that can direct you in how to estimate your blend, and how to balance the ingredients out when the soap does not form, or is too harsh.

Visit http://www.learnhowtomakeit.com for instructions on how to make just about anything you can think of.

Herbs Used In Handmade Soap


Handmade soap is made of natural ingredients, including many herbs that make it healthy and replenishing for the skin. Aloe, for example, is one of the main herbal ingredients in handmade soap. Aloe comes from the inner part of an aloe leaf and is a wonderful healing agent. Used to treat burns, rashes, insect bites, Aloe is also used to heal wounds and help to prevent infection.

Basil, another herbal ingredient found in handmade soap, is most commonly used to treat acne. However, it also stimulates, uplifts and refreshes the skin, which is what makes Basil an ideal ingredient for handmade soap.

The majority of consumers have heard of chamomile, but few realize it’s long existence. Dating back at least 2,000 years, chamomile has been used to treat cuts and scrapes, rashes, burns, etc. It is widely used as part of a soothing bath and in skin lotions.

Lavender is a very popular ingredient found in handmade soap. Many soapmakers offer a product line specifically dedicated to lavender and it’s lovely, soothing scent. Much like it’s smell, Lavender itself is used to relieve depression and stress. In handmade soap, Lavender is a herbal ingredient that has proven benefits to the skin, including its ability to repel mosquitoes.

Did you know that Oatmeal is used in soap? Exfoliants, such as Oatmeal, are used in a large number of skin products and their uses are very important in removing dead skin cells while rejuvenating the healthy cells underneath. In addition, exfoliants have the ability to remove other properties that gather on the skin’s surface.

Rosemary is a herbal aromatic oil that is used in soaps and other scented products to give them a distinct smell. Additionally, rosemary itself is used to relieve the discomfort in bites and stings on the surface of skin.

With all of the herbs that are used to make handmade soap, the consensus seems clear that the ultimate goal is to replenish and care for the skin. Helping to remove dead skin cells, adding moisture back that has since been lost and not to mention a variety of terrific scents are just a few of the reasons that people desire handmade soap. If you are familiar with the golden rule, then you will understand why it is important to treat your skin and you would like for it to treat you. Take care of it and, in return, your skin will help you to glow.

Jeffrey Dorrian is the soap guy. Really, that is his website http://www.thesoapguy.com He has been making premium handmade soap for the past five years. "Handmade soap is a true inexpensive luxury anyone can enjoy."
wholesale lavender soap

Natural Soap Making and Ingredients in Soaps


What is in your soap?

Active soap ingredients have always been on the forefront of all beauty, bath and germicidal soaps alike but do you know which substances make up most of the ingredients in your regular soaps? Let’s take a look.

Among the most common soap-producing plants are the following:

Soap Plant (Chlorogalum pomeridianum)

Soapbark (Quillaja saponaria)

Soapberry (Sapindus mukorossi)

Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)

Roots are the primary source of saponins in most plants while others locate abundance of the same ingredient on the bark. Manual extraction procedure with water produces lather required for an immediate shampoo and body-cleaning needs.

It is obvious that people of the past have managed to use such ingredients in their purest form until they have discovered that other earth and animal-derived material can be used to enhance the efficiency and usability of such products.

Development of Soap Making

Our ancestors have seen the benefits of adding or enhancing the ingredients which makes up the soap they use. It was by accident which they realized that mixing saponin-containing substances with ashes or charcoal derived substances produces a more refined saponified substances as sodium stereate and in some cases, potassium stereate.

In addition, they have found out that the addition of rendered animal and plant fats with the then popular soldium hydroxide solution (which they have known then as an element and not a solution), produces a solidified version of soaps.

Plants are an abundant and popular known source of soap oils - olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil, tallow, palm, olive oil, soybean oil among others .

Modern Soap Ingredients

The introduction of soap technology and as people rallying on to reducing the manufacturing cost of soap production, fat oils such as rendered pork fat or beef fat, derived from animals have overtaken the use the use plant oils plant-derived saponin sources.

But the inclusion of several ingredients in soaps is generally not advantageous for it proved to be irritating to most skin types. Soaps derived from animal fats are no more than different so synthetic materials which makes skin more prone to itching and bacterial attacks.

Plant Oils and Animal Fats

Plant oils used for making soaps are considerably milder and the skin soft. It leaves little residue which usually is dissolved by washing. Moreover, the addition of scents such as perfume adds to the irritating properties of some soap products.

This residue takes in the form of sodium hydroxide, a popular caustic base agent in soap, rayon and papermaking.

Fats and oils derived from plants and animals are good enough to use as soap themselves but they lack the necessary caustic agent for them to produce the lathering effect as seen when using regular bath soaps.


Lye (sodium hydroxide), is used in the entire saponification process. As treated fats and oils are mixed with lye, it begins to react and form begin the process described above. This process brings about the characteristic thickening and hardening of the liquids and begins assuming a different phase - thickened soft solid mass.
This process is repeated until all lye has reacted with oil so that molding and packing goes next.

Active Ingredients - What does this mean?

Active ingredients are one among the most controversial substances ever to put in a bar soap. Active ingredients determine the applicable usage of a certain soap to a person’s body and skin types.

For example, anti-bacterial soaps have triclosan and triclocarban as its active agent which inhibits the growth of specific type of bacteria (gram-positive).

In the same manner as BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) anti-oxidants and PEG-6 methyl ether sometimes found in detergents and added to soaps sometimes do more harm than good so it is best to check out for some of these substances.

You can find soaps made without petroleum or animal products
if you have sensitive skin, allergies or are interested in
natural products that are environmentally friendly.

Carla Donnelly is a writer on environmental and health
issues at the MangoLife Wellness Website . Sign up for the
free monthly newsletter and get a free vegetarian ecookbook
plus a chance to win a chemical-free soap that raises the
body ph and is good for the environment:

The Importance Of Body Wash


As tradition goes we have been using soap since the time we are born. Before soap, there must have been some other and more natural product considering the time factor. It has been a very important part in cleaning our body. Even though soaps used are more chemical based which can cause harm to anyone’s body. New products have always come in the market and keep getting better every time and are more considerate towards your body.

Now things have changed, even soaps have a stiff competition from the body wash. It is said that the body wash are better in cleaning your body due to the liquid which has the properties of the necessary nutrients for gentle exfoliation. This becomes very important as our body goes through wear and tear and it needs to relax which can happen by the use of different types of body wash.

The different type of body washes help in rejuvenating your skin and hydrating your dehydrated body. Different type of herbal products which are used are yogurt, cucumber, aloe Vera, vitamins B, strawberry, lavender, coco, oatmeal, rosemary, lavender and many more to add that touch of perfection to your body. It has a lasting smell which keeps you as well as others fresh with a lingering aroma.

These herbal products just make your bath more than a daily chore. It becomes an experience which you comes across everyday while having a bath. A fresh morning and a refreshing evening which can be very beautiful and very exciting start of the day. The use of herbal products makes a lot of difference. But you should keep in mind that this stuff should be genuine enough to be used on your body. So buy products which are from a good brand and are easily available.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of sites related to hair and skin care which have information on important matters like hair–n-skin with detailed description about the things you would be using daily like shampoo or body wash.


Acne Body Wash That Really Works


One gets acne when his sebaceous glands and hair follicles get inflamed. The inflammation causes pimples, whiteheads, blackheads and pustules to appear, commonly on the face, particularly the cheeks and the forehead. But acne can also appear on the neck, back, chest, shoulders and even in odd locations in your body like your buttocks.

Body Acne

When inflammation shows up mostly on your chest, on your back and other parts of your body, yours is called body acne. I know it could be very upsetting to have those ugly pimples all over your body but at least they don’t show upon your pretty face—that could be more distressful and humiliating, too. But don’t you worry because just like other forms of acne, it won’t last and a simple acne body wash can help you prevent further inflammation on your skin.

Body acne may be light, moderate or severe. The latter is characterized by large and even painful lesions. In such cases, the doctor may recommend topical drugs instead of an acne body wash but for light and moderate cases of acne, a regular acne body wash would be enough. In a matter of weeks or a couple of months, your body may already be totally free of acne or at least, suffering from lesser unsightly pimples, papules and pustules.

Acne Body Wash – How it Works

Like other kinds of acne, the real cause of body acne is not yet known although scientists say it’s due to some hormones and other factors like stress. It has been proven though that certain things trigger acne and may further cause irritation on the skin. A regular acne body wash prevents the latter to happen. Although it may not totally prevent the cause of acne, it prevents body acne from getting worse and thus, it helps you get rid of body acne faster.

Among the things that trigger body acne are perspiration and clothing or anything held closely against the body like a backpack. As you perspire, sweat is trapped against your skin and gets mixed with oil, especially when you are wearing tight clothes. This would clog the pores of your skin and cause the pimples to appear. Continuously wearing tight clothes could irritate the skin even further.

Active Ingredient of Acne Body Wash

Your body skin is thicker than your facial skin. Moreover, the clothes that you wear tend to create friction against your skin. For these reasons, you need a special kind of body wash, moreover, acne treatment. You need acne body wash in particular.

What makes this acne body wash different then? Since an acne body wash is no ordinary body wash, it comes with special ingredients. It may either have salicylic acid or benzyl peroxide. These active ingredients are used to clean the body more efficiently and unclog the pores. In this way it prevents inflammation of the oil glands and the hair follicles.

After Acne Body Wash

Especially for moderate to severe cases of body acne, it would be best to use other acne treatment aside from the acne body wash. A special benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid pad may be used in wiping affected areas of the body after wahsing. Also, you may need to apply special kind of moisturizer and topical retinoid like Retin-A. In some severe cases, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics to prevent infection.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in acne and its treatments. For more information regarding acne body wash, please drop by at http://acne.answerwisely.com

All About Acne Body Wash


If you’re like me, you not only get acne on your face now
and then, but all over your body as well. Although I normally
only get acne on my face and back, I’ve had at least some
amount of acne on just about every area of my skin at one
point or other in my life. My feet, legs, and (ahem) genital
area seems to be the only places to escape it completely so far.
While there is a certain relief to that fact, having acne on my
scalp, back, butt, chest, stomach, and shoulders is not exactly
fun. For this reason I’ve done plenty of experimenting with
acne body washes.

Oh, the joy of acne body washes knows no bounds. They come in
different sizes, shapes, colors, smells, and flavors. Well,
okay, I’m not sure about the flavor part, but there certainly
is a wide array of acne body washes to choose from. The search
is easily narrowed down when you consider the active ingredients
involved. Most acne body washes use only one of two different
active ingredients; salicylic acid or benzyl peroxide. Everything
else in the wash is just for style points.

Having used plenty of different acne body washes, I consistently
come back to the ones that use salicylic acid. This is somewhat
counterintuitive, because benzyl peroxide seems to work best with
the acne face washes I’ve tried. I’m not really sure why, but
salicylic acid just seems more effective for body acne than anything
else, even though its only moderately effective for facial acne.
I prefer the acne body wash that ‘Phisoderm’ makes.

So my acne prevention and treatment routine is a benzyl peroxide
acne face wash, and a salicylic acid acne body wash. So long as I
use these washes daily, I’m able to reduce the acne I would be
getting by somewhere around 90%, which is great. However, there is
still that 10% or so that gets by, and I can’t really seem to do
much about it. The acne on my back is especially hard to prevent;
no acne body wash gets rid of it completely.

It seems to help a little if I use lotions and other skin care products
in addition to an acne body wash. I like using ones with aloe vera and
vitamin E. If I apply lotions like these soon after using an acne body
wash, it seems to boost the overall anti-acne effect.

Keith Londrie II has put up three informative web sites so that you can learn more about acne and it's control. For more information please visit http://acneinformation.info/ as well as http://acne-solution-treatments.info/ and http://stop-your-acne.info/ for more detailed information.

Quess the habit from the bath.

Beg for plentiful keep before.
That like to take a bath a kind that the soap-bubble floods , often a person who is charming , like pleasing from a person around specially , and happy extremely more and more when , you have been in luxurious place , be thin , have only a person besieges someone closely to mob love and pour care , besides , already still observant person , know behave in the social in addition still suit others , get easy , at important you are a nice person and perfect take very.

Take a bath a little , pick the soap comes to rub ,
open shower still don't wet , pick the soap comes to rub , know ? Yes , that , you please are impatient person , do ? small what please hurry , but , that , must the thing that yourself takes an interest with , if , be not interested in , don't hope , only for postpone often , be a person will who like to to think bigging , and not give precedence in how much is unimportant some matter ? extremely , but , you are a person who has tall imagination , especially about [ story ] the work that must use the creativity and freely with oneself.

Like to wet ,
neither will take a bath with the shower , dip in a basin , or , bail out bathe like [ model ] , quickly year lift be soaked keep before , indicate that , you often conceal the tension in the mind alone , hide the feeling excellent , and a person who have plentiful many secret , if , be not specious person really , don't get even will delve into a mystery his any circumstances , but , be defective straight at a person has blown temper severely.

you are the fastidious person in the bath , be careful polish then polish again , that show that , you are a person has delicate mind , there is the mind is kind-hearted , The gentle , The kindhearted , like to help others , in addition still have the be mother a person stay fully , besides , you still listen to a problem worries of the other by don't utter to complain word some , in addition , , you still have surplus mind love , and have the humanity.

Wash with soap once ,
a person who take a bath like often this like the simplicity , there is the habit frankly , love or , hate often express come to clearly by not interested in the feeling of others , if , love everybody is will hurried beg for the answer quickly , if , know again the faction has no the mind , restrain one's passion like [ model ] to escape , you are a person likes the quickness nimbly in the work , and understand the work has fast , at important still a person who have the aim in the life and he alike.

Like the cold water ,
that like to take a bath cold , be vigorous both of body person , firm and very firm , speak seriously , besides , be connection person fights to fight against all obstacle , if , discouraaging like to to build good will , give with oneself , and don't abandon the intention goes to are simple , but , in again one your side is a person is stubborn and obstinate , often follow oneself mind stays often , by not interested in an advice of others.

Do not like to take a bath ,
who is the part ? that have the habit doesn't like to take a bath , that show that , you are a person loves solitude , not attend in the trifle , The a little , be not frail person but , The weak , if , ? staied very close , feel fine , but , like to not lovely , straight at you torn the responsibility , as a result , bath size still don't like to bathe , TRUE Yes.

The way takes a bath to decrease the top of the thigh , abdominal surface.

The bath in a basin still can help can lose weight with , at any rate , as a result , must happen touch [ cheap ]ly the step , beg for present the losing weight with the bath , by at first will the harbour decreases the top of the thigh before please Yes , , previously other must prepare the water in just right temperature before , should fluently warm about 40 just right degree.

Step 1 : bend a leg in the harbour sits to lie down a little , push the sole goes up.

Step 2 : bend a leg in the harbour sits to lie down a little in the harbour originally , stretch the sole down , do 2 Step this repeated 5 vacately time.

Step 3 : sit stretch the arms , bend the elbow meets the body , catch at the knee , push the knees reaches.

Step 4 : sit stretch the arms , bend the elbow meets the body , catch at the knee , separate the knees goes out , do 2 Step this repeated 5 vacately time , this harbour unless , will help relax the top of the thigh has already , still help give the sole relaxes with.

This time we come to see the way decreases the abdominal surface from the bath ?

Step 1 : the step is first , as before please Yes , , prepare the water warms about 40 the degree Celsius.

Step 2 : kneel in the water in the harbour straight proud , use press hand that abdominal surface area slowly , quietly , fondle press down be soft , about 20 time.

Step 3 : there after use the palm presses abdominal surface area , in circle character whirls to go to in which direction the one direction about 20-30 time.

Step 4 : inject the water warms that fine tall temperature goes up a little , abdominal surface area. Only abdominal your surface , well-fitting go up.

The way takes a bath.


We must take a bath everyday sure , but , there is a little person who know the way takes a bath that is correct and know the importance of the bath , then have many persons who the some but , take the water pours and the head , then think take a bath finished already , water scoop will have poured may make cold down , but , that not the way takes a bath.

The goal of the bath has two the points is , want the clean and is blood stimulation within the body circulate well go up , the coldness of the water will make the blood comes to can feed the skin more and more , for first goal , which , get into trouble of the clean , the bath will warm to make clean body more than , our skin has the pore is million , these hole is compared as a hole opens to breathe of the skin like , the nose that is a hole opens in the lungs , when but [ T letter ] , a hole opens to breathe of the skin like , the nose that is a hole opens in the lungs , when at a hole opens of blocked pore , the lungs will must work hard to go up , with regard to the lungs must work hard to make the patient feels exhausted is exhausted assemble the pore opens , waste matter is will bingoverdue within the body , make the health gets worse.

The cold water can pay the dirtiness goes out also well , but , may wash north pore scurf can go out not smooth , if , want to give the complexion is spick and span take a bath with the water warm to mix lime juice , if , will give better this give take the lemon goes to burn enough [ when cooked ] first , split the lemon is 2 the section , dip have the lemon has appeareded the water already uses to rub soap agent should not take a bath to warm everyday because , will make exhausted exhausted and make the system has digested not normal , should take a bath warm just week vacate 2 time only , for the temperature of the water warms should not exceed the temperature in 2 degree bodies.

The bath will warm before lie down to is neficial build [ wasp ] the health very much , will make you sleep comfortable , the bath will neither hot fluently or , cold bathe 1 before meals hour and 3 post-meal hour.

The bath warms very , sometimes , be valuable , but , should not bathe many extremely times if , you have had a cold should take a bath to warm then cover with blanket thickly the bedtime , the bath warms a guard who you exhausted will make you feels to improve , all stiffness will disappear.

The bath daily should cold fluently , when , the skin touches the coldness from the water , the blood will crowd into come to at the skin for makes warm body goes up , the blood will carry the dirtiness goes to eradicate abandon , if , the blood will circulate slow down make old fast , thus cold bath will make us is the teenager always.

Best bath must initial with using palm or , the bath towel carelessly , rub give throughout all first over , begin from head movie , forehead , the face and the neck , already get back rub the wrist continously upward to arrive at the shoulder , thereafter rub the chest , armpits , stomach , and foot back is last rank , when , will rub foot stretch foot directly , begin rub foot continously upward leg way , while , begin rub rub be soft , softly already start heavy go up.

After , rub the power then take the cold water pours , use the bath towel rubs the body dry drily , begin wipe since , the head and , you will feel comfortable when , get rub again bath back for a person who has the body totteringly rubbing still is one way exercise with.

When , you take a bath with the way that delivers a speech to come to , problem skin diseases about , the urticaria will disappear by oneself , the face will without a pimple and bright face go up , both of body complexion is will clear is pink and the gentleness of the skin will return to come to , the skin that have good health the will Office of the Prime Minister with erodes to fondle with time oil touches , if , will use the palm fondles until dry body replaces using bath towel will make superior effective more , this way will make you feels comfortable more and particularly more in the winter.

The advantage of the bath , for perfect happiness.

The bath makes us relaxes like [ model ] , comfortable yes , , moreover , still pretty addition again the one way , because , don't forget that , the clean that basically the base of the beauty yes , , we take a bath everyday like this , Eh! .. , or , there is ? don't take a bath ? Yes , , because , sometimes .. , we , be forgetful the worth of the bath goes to yes , , the worth begs for the bath is perfect happiness most yes , , which , we will should minister as follows the time takes a bath please Yes.
  1. It's the time to open the water , observe ? Yes , that , the temperature of the water can build different feeling , the water warms to make us feels comfortable , cold water that part is circulating stimulation begs for liquid under the skin yes , , moreover , still waking life that is weary return the state as well yes.

  2. Detoxify , cleaning is or , skin stimulation will neither is the bath , because , contribute to encourage the skin , wash the toxin has yes.

  3. Relax , the bath makes us is relaxxing to is like in the world again the one world yes.

  4. Spa , in a bathroom , can do , spa , in a bathroom has by must not go to , spa , ? whole yes , , choose immediately [ Ok ] yes , that , will the candle kisses , , oil kisses , or , the products takes a bath that like , will listen to the music soft between the bath , do not violate the rule only ? please Yes.

  5. Take a bath make talk pale effective good work ,
    many times at we soak in the bathtub , and talk about [ story ] the work goes to with , at this time intermittently while , brain , miss clear like most yes.

  6. Be spick and span ,skin scrub between the bath is again the one way at helps to eradicate the cell deteriorates yes.

  7. The happiness that you can choose , our mind is person fix yes , that , we will should happy or , sorrow , during between that bath , nobody is yes , to distressful all happy together the whole bunch.

See ? Yes , the merit of that bath has numerously , but , don't bathe or , dip in exceed water 20 more minute please Yes , , because , the skin will have dry yes , , moreover , don't take a bath often only 2 a days time only are enough [ when ] , because , if , take a bath often , oil moistens the skin as its nature may be will ( lose/go dead ) to go to yes.


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