Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to Find Good Soaps

If you feel as though you need a softer, or stronger, soap, this article will help you to find the choice you are seeking.


1. Decide what you are looking for. Are you seeking hand soap, body soap, for facial soap?
2. Determine your skin type. Do you have dry skin, sensitive skin, or normal skin? (Or any other skin type.)
3. Choose brands that are made especially for your skin. Look at the labels and ingredients if necessary.
4. Look for unscented/fragrance-free brands. These may smell good, but they can possibly cause mild or severe irritation for some people.
5. Look for products with natural ingredients. These can naturally smell good, exfoliate, or moisturize depending on what you buy.
6. Browse the skin-care aisles at your local grocery store for soaps. Keep your options open.
7. Once you have an idea of the choices available to you, read product reviews on the internet of the brands that you seemed to like and look for any advertisements/commercials of that brand/product.
8. Go back to the store and buy the one(s) that appealed to you the most.
9. Go home, get in the shower, and use it!


* Develop a routine.
* Follow the directions listed on the container.

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How to Shower Quickly

Ever woken up and discovered you have ten minutes to get out of the house? And (eek!) you still have to shower! Read this article for advice on taking a quick shower.

1. Turn on the water. It always depends on the shower, but it usually only takes a minute, two at the most, for the water to heat up. While you're waiting, get undressed, get out "shower supplies" (powder, deodorant, towel, etc.), your clothes, and do other things that need to be accomplished before you leave.
2. When the water is warm enough for you to go in, jump in the shower and wet your hair. If you have long hair, this may take more time than people with shorter cuts. If your shower has a nozzle with adjustable water pressure, turn the knob so the water sprays harder. It will get your hair wet faster.
3. When you've wet your hair, take a handful of shampoo. Put some on your hair, and rub the rest together between your hands. Scrub your hair using mostly your fingertips and nails (but don't hurt yourself!). When you think you're done washing, scratch your scalp with your fingernails. If little white stuff comes out, and it's not shampoo, keep washing!
4. Once you're done washing your hair, don't rinse it! Leave the shampoo on your head, while you wash the rest off your body. If you have long hair, take your hand and S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E as much shampoo as you can out before rinsing with water. The actual rinsing will go much, much faster.
5. Pour a couple of drops of liquid body wash on your hand. Divide it into four. Use one fourth on your left foot, and one on your right. Use the remaining half on your torso.And rinse.


* Try using a special face soap for your face. Also, if you plan to use liquid body wash on the genital area, make sure the label says that's okay.
* Use a two in one shampoo/conditioner...put the shampoo/conditioner in your hair and some soap all over your body...rinse all together and you will be done in less than three minutes! You'll have clean and soft hair if you use a 2 in 1 shampoo conditioner bottle.
* It helps if you have some sort of body brush or washcloth. Squirt a little bit of the bodywash onto it and rub it onto your body quickly. It rinses off easily.

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Make the bathroom safe

* Never leave the person alone in the bathroom.
* Lower the thermostat on your hot-water heater to prevent scalding injuries.
* Always check the water temperature, even if the person draws his or her own bath.
* Always put a nonskid mat in the tub or shower.
* Install grab bars and use a tub bench or bath chair that can adjust to different heights.
* Make sure there are no puddles on the bathroom floor; think about installing carpet.

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After-bath care

* Check for rashes and sores, especially if the person is incontinent or unable to move around.
* Seat the person while drying and putting on fresh clothes.
* Be gentle on the skin. The person’s skin may be very sensitive. Avoid scrubbing, and pat skin dry instead of rubbing.
* Use cotton swabs to dry between the toes.
* Apply lotion to keep skin soft.
* Use cornstarch or talcum powder under the breasts and in the creases and folds of skin. If the person won’t use deodorant, use baking soda.

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Adapt the bathing process

* Set a regular time of day for bathing. If the person usually bathes in the morning, it may confuse him or her to bathe at night.
* Use simple phrases to coach the person through each step of the bathing process, such as: “Put your feet in the tub.” “Sit down.” “Here is the soap.” “Wash your arm.”
* Use other cues to remind the person what to do such as the “watch me” technique. Put your hand over the
person’s hand, gently guiding the washing actions.
* Use a tub bench or bath chair that can adjust to different heights. The person can sit while showering if it is easier.
* Washing the person’s hair may be the most difficult task. Use a washcloth to soap and rinse hair in the sink to reduce the amount of water on the person’s face.
* Be sure the person’s genital areas are washed, especially if incontinence is a problem.
* Be sure the person is washed between folds of skin and under the breasts.
* Simply the bathing process by sewing pockets into washcloths to hold soap or using soap that washes both hair and body.

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Focus on the person, not the bathing task

* Help the person feel in control. Involve or coach the person through each step of bathing. Be sure the person has a role. For example, have the person hold a washcloth or shampoo bottle.
* Give the person choices. For example, ask if he or she would like to bathe now or in 15 minutes, or take a bath or a shower. Try saying “Let’s wash up” instead of “Let’s take a bath.”
* Be aware that the person may perceive bathing to be threatening. If the person resists bathing or acts out, distract him or her and try again later.
* Often praise the person for his or her efforts and cooperation.
* Always protect the person’s dignity, privacy and comfort. Try to help the person feel less vulnerable by covering the person with a bath blanket while undressing.
* Cover or remove the mirrors if a reflection in the bathroom mirror leads the person to believe there’s a stranger in the room.
* Have a familiar person of the same sex help, if possible.
* Be flexible. Allow the person to get into the tub or shower with clothes on. He or she may want to undress once clothes are wet.
* Don’t worry about how often the person bathes. Try sponge baths in between showers or baths. Wash one part of the body each day of the week. Or, consider shampooing hair at another time or on a different day.
* Pad the shower seat and other cold or uncomfortable surfaces with towels.
* Have activities ready in case the person becomes agitated. For example, play soothing music or sing together.

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Prepare the bathroom in advance

* Gather bathing supplies such as towels, washcloths, shampoo and soap before you tell the person that it’s time to bathe.
* Make sure the room is warm.
* Use large beach towels or bath blankets that completely wrap around the person for privacy and warmth.
* Have a washcloth ready to cover the person’s eyes to prevent stinging from water or shampoo.
* Make sure that soap and shampoo are easy to reach. Try using hotel-sized plastic containers of shampoo.
* Fill the tub and then assess the person’s reaction to getting into the water. It may be better to fill the tub
after the person is seated.
* Use only two or three inches of water.
* Try using a hand-held shower head and make sure the spray isn’t too intense.
* Monitor the water temperature. The person may not sense when the water is dangerously hot or may resist bathing if the water is too cool.

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